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azwraith the phantom lancer

azwraith the phantom lancer

Azwraith, also known as the Phantom Lancer, is a hero in the multiplayer online battle arena game, Dota 2. He is an agility-based hero who is known for his illusions and high mobility.

Azwraith's first ability is Spirit Lance, which allows him to hurl a magical spear at an enemy, dealing damage and slowing them down. His second ability, Doppelganger, creates illusions of himself that can confuse enemies and help him escape danger. His third ability, Phantom Rush, grants him increased attack speed and movement speed when he attacks an enemy.

Azwraith's ultimate ability, Juxtapose, creates illusions of himself that deal damage and take damage like the real hero. These illusions are crucial to his playstyle, as they can be used to push lanes, confuse enemies, and deal damage in team fights.

Overall, Azwraith is a versatile hero who can be played both as a carry and a pusher. He requires good micro skills to manage his illusions effectively and is often played as a split pusher, taking advantage of his illusions to take down enemy structures while his team fights elsewhere.


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