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Rooftrellen the Treant Protector

Rooftrellen the Treant Protector

Rooftrellen, also known as the Treant Protector, is a hero in the popular multiplayer online game Dota 2. He is a strength hero who excels at tanking and initiating fights for his team.

Rooftrellen has several abilities that make him a formidable presence on the battlefield. His first ability is Nature's Guise, which allows him to turn invisible and gain movement speed when standing near trees. This ability can be used for ganking and escaping.

His second ability is Leech Seed, which allows him to target an enemy and drain their health while healing himself and nearby allies. This ability is useful for sustaining in fights and can also be used to slow down fleeing enemies.

His third ability is Living Armor, which allows him to heal allies and structures over time and provides them with increased armor. This ability is useful for pushing and defending objectives, as well as keeping allies alive in team fights.

Finally, his ultimate ability is Overgrowth, which roots all enemy units in a large area, preventing them from moving or using abilities. This ability is great for initiating team fights or stopping enemy heroes from escaping.

Overall, Rooftrellen is a versatile hero who can fulfill a variety of roles on a team, from tanking and initiating fights to supporting allies and defending objectives.


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