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Visage the Necro'lic - Dota 2

Visage the Necro'lic - Dota 2

Visage the Necro'lic is a hero in Dota 2, a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. He is a ranged intelligence hero who is known for his ability to summon powerful creatures and inflict significant damage to enemy heroes.

Visage's abilities include Grave Chill, which slows down an enemy hero and steals their movement and attack speed, and Gravekeeper's Cloak, which provides him with additional layers of protection against physical and magical attacks. His most powerful ability is Summon Familiars, which allows him to summon two powerful bird-like creatures that can deal high amounts of damage and stun enemies.

Visage is typically played as a support hero, who can use his abilities to help his allies and hinder his enemies. He can be a strong lane presence and can secure kills with the help of his familiars.

Visage's playstyle requires good positioning and awareness, as his familiars are very fragile and can be easily killed if not protected. He also requires good communication with his team, as his abilities can be used to set up kills and create space for his allies. Overall, Visage is a challenging hero to play, but can be very rewarding for those who master his abilities.


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