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Slithice The Naga Siren

Slithice The Naga Siren

Slithice, also known as the Naga Siren, is a hero character in the popular multiplayer online battle arena game Dota 2. She is a melee agility hero with powerful crowd control and pushing abilities.

In the game, Slithice has a unique ability called "Mirror Image," which creates two illusions of herself that deal reduced damage but also take reduced damage. This ability can be used to confuse enemies and make it difficult for them to target the real Slithice.

Slithice's ultimate ability, "Song of the Siren," puts all enemy units in a large area to sleep, making them unable to move or attack for several seconds. This ability can be used both defensively to escape from dangerous situations or offensively to set up a team fight.

Overall, Slithice is a versatile hero who can be played in a variety of roles, including carry, support, or even as a split-pusher. She requires good micro-management skills to make the most of her illusions, but can be a devastating force in the hands of a skilled player.


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