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Ezalor the Keeper of the Light - Dota 2

Ezalor the Keeper of the Light - Dota 2

Ezalor, also known as the Keeper of the Light, is a hero in the popular online multiplayer game Dota 2. He is a ranged intelligence hero with a support role, and his abilities are focused on manipulating the battlefield and enhancing the capabilities of his allies.

Ezalor's first ability is called "Illuminate". This ability allows him to channel a powerful beam of light that deals damage to enemies and heals allies in its path. The longer Ezalor channels the ability, the more damage it deals and the farther it reaches.

His second ability is "Mana Leak", which causes an enemy unit to lose mana when it moves. If the unit runs out of mana while affected by Mana Leak, it will be stunned for a short period of time.

Ezalor's third ability is "Chakra Magic", which replenishes the mana of an ally hero or Ezalor himself. This ability can be used multiple times on the same target to restore even more mana.

Finally, Ezalor's ultimate ability is called "Spirit Form". When activated, this ability transforms Ezalor into a powerful spirit, granting him the ability to fly, reducing the cooldowns of his other abilities, and enhancing their effects.

Overall, Ezalor is a versatile hero who excels at supporting his allies through healing, mana restoration, and crowd control. He requires careful positioning and timing to use his abilities effectively, but in the hands of a skilled player, he can be a formidable force on the battlefield.


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